loving me


Many have tried to conquer the mountain of loving me, but with high elevations and rough weather conditions, even the most avid lover can not scale to the top. She is always turned away at the icy cold pass, better known as the door way to my heart. The sweetest cries of “let me in, let me love you”, whistle thru my canyons only to fall on the peaks and valleys of my ego, my fear, my belief that this thing called “being in love” does not really exist.

Feed Me Soup

an ex lover sent me this story about a kabbalist called “Feed Me Soup” (which is below this post) years ago with 5 of her own words “I want to feed you”

Being in the “nah, I gotta feed myself mode” lead to a break up … I just had a profound ah-ha moment, I’m doing it again in all facets of my life, the selfish over-independent thought process damn near starving myself and those around me to death emotionally/mentally — as of this moment I’m taking steps toward heaven — ok universe it’s ok to feed me now 💜😊 posting to remind myself and to remind others God didn’t put us here to go thru good bad and ugly stuff alone Feed others And allow others to feed you…. Love thyself as you love they neighbor and vice versa!  And I’m courageously going to blog about my journey.  This is my story.  Prepare to be entertained and sometimes enlightened 🙂

Feed Me Soup

There is a story about a kabbalist who wanted to see Heaven and Hell while he was still alive. He was at the spiritual level where he could make such a request, so an angel let him experience it in a dream.

He entered a room full of people who had long spoons tied to their hands. In the center of the room was a giant pot of soup. Everyone was trying to feed themselves, but the spoons were too long and they were unable to reach their mouths. “This is hell.” The angel said

Next he witnessed the same scenario, only here everyone was feeding their neighbor. The angel said, “This is heaven.”

Heaven is thinking about others and getting our needs met. Hell is thinking only of ourselves, and finding it only leads to starvation.